Monday 30 July 2018

Back to my routines

When my vacation started we went basically straight to the airport and then to Cyprus. My morning routines were quickly forgotten. Today was the first day after Cyprus that I started my day with both yoga and meditation. Nothing too advanced but enough to get a little sweaty, it feels good.

I don't know if I have mentioned this before, I had to do a back surgery in April because of a slipped disk. I was in pain for one year and tried to live with it. In the beginning, I was working out and I was hoping that it would help me but it didn't. It didn't take long until I suffered from sciatica as well, with other words, a pain in my right leg that prevented me from sleeping well, walking normally and so on. After my MRI the doctors said that a surgery was my best option. They just removed the parts of the disk that was pinching my nerve. The back pain remained after the surgery but diminished significantly and the pain in my leg was all gone.

To get rid of the back pain I need to keep working out and strengthen my back. Sometimes I'm lazy and sometimes I'm not. I always feel better after starting the morning the way I did today. So, a reminder to myself and whoever needs it:

If you fell down yesterday, stand up today. Never give up, you can do it! 

Swedish summary: 
I april genomförde jag en ryggoperation då jag hade haft ont i ryggen i ett år samt haft ischia i högra benet. Efter en magnetrötgen visade det sig att jag hade ett kraftigt diskbråck och blev rekommenderad en operation. Under min vecka i Cypern blev det inte mycket träning (endast 30 minuter på cykeln på hotells gym samt promenader då och då). Det var därför skönt att starta denna morgon med både yoga och medition, det är då jag mår som bäst resten av dagen. 


  1. På semestern ska man ju va ledig från träning :)

    1. Jo, det är sant. Känns som att kroppen behövde få vila så kanske bara var bra :)

  2. Hoppas att operationen lyckades :)
