Thursday, 13 September 2018

Before going to Australia: To do list (Update)

It has almost been a month since the last time a made a post here and the answer for it is simple: I'm preparing as much as possible for my trip/move to Australia. Remember the to do list I made? Well, I can check off a few more things now:

Visa (a Work Holiday Visa so I can experience AU)Done
Valid passportDone
Rent out apartment (As a "second lease" so I can have it back after AU if needed)Done
Travel insurance (In case of anything happening)Done
Write proxy (So my mum can make decisions for me in Sweden when I can't)Done
Clean out the apartment (Leave only the things the new tenant might need)Done
Buy ticket to AUDone
End subscriptions (Like Netflix, HBO, etc)-
Write out copies (Of my passport, ticket, visa, etc)Done
Pack travel bag (Will do this closer to my departure)-
Plan with work (So I can keep my job the first 6 months by working abroad)Done
Change address for postbox (So my mail won't bother the new tenant)Done
Finish the course I'm taking (Health influencer)(Ongoing)

So right now I'm living at my mum's house/apartment. It is crowded with my sister and her boyfriend there as well... and let us not forget ALL my stuff. But it is also very cosy, I have to say. Most of my boxes will eventually be stored in my mum's basement – lucky me! 

I can still not understand that I'm soon leaving Sweden (for a longer period of time) in just 2 weeks. I miss Sam so much so I can't wait. I think that it will feel like I'm going on a vacation at first ... maybe after 3 weeks or so it will hit me that I'm suppose to live in Australia for a while. Crazy! 

Swedish summary: 
Tiden flyger iväg och jag har inte bloggat på ett tag. Det finns en väldigt enkel förklaring, allt mitt fokus har lagts ner på att försöka förbereda inför min resa/flytt till Australien. Tack vare detta kan jag nu bocka av fler punkter på min "att göra"-lista. 

Just nu bor jag hos min mamma tillsammans med min syster och hennes kille. Det är lite trångt men mysigt. Jag har tur som har min familj som alltid ställer upp. Jag har inte riktigt fattat att jag ska åka till Australien och bo där under en längre period. Galen känsla. Men jag saknar Sam så otroligt mycket nu så tiden får gärna rulla iväg lite till så att vi snart får vara hos varandra igen.