Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Bloggers who travels or/and move abroad

I have been searching for other bloggers that update about their everyday life in Australia – and who are NOT only writing about beauty, fashion or "the perfect life". I want something real and I want to be able to relate, I suppose ...

This search has not been easy but I have found some that I can add to my list, here is the whole list: 

❥ Emmy –
The writer is a Swedish woman named Emmy who's been living and working in Melbourne since 2010 and shares a lot of good tips on her blog for people like me.

❥ Linn –
Written by a Swedish woman named Linn who lives in London (it's interesting for me to follow other swedes trying to live a life outside Sweden too). She writes about her everyday life, she's very open and shares a lot of beautiful images.

❥ Johanna –
This Swedish woman, Johanna, lives in Japan and shares wonderful images and tips from her life there. I have always been interested in Japan and its culture so that's why I think Johanna's blog is a delight to follow.

❥ Jake –
Just discovered Jake and his blog. He's travelling around the world and will maybe visit Australia during Christmas. It will be very interesting to follow him on his journey.

❥ Alice –
Also a new discovery, this Swedish woman just recently moved to Melbourne/Australia. Same here, it will be very fun to follow Alice on her journey so far away from Sweden.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

If you have any more blogs that you want to recommend, please comment below. I would love to read about: 

  • People (both swedes and none-swedes) who share about their everyday life in Australia.
  • People (both swedes and none-swedes) who share about their everyday life in a country different from where they grew up.

Swedish summary: 
Jag letar nya bloggar att följa. Jag vill utöka min lista så om ni har några tips på bloggar som ni tror att jag kanske gillar, kommentera gärna!

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